
This is the home page of a new effort to create a meta-model for Java. The goal is to include the meta-model in Java SE, to replace java.beans.

What do we mean by “meta-model”?

When we use the term meta-model, we mean providing a mechanism to access information about objects in Java. The most common meta-model is reflection via Class, Method and Field.

The second common meta-model is the JavaBeans specification. This defines the concept of a bean with a set of properties.

A bean with properties is a Java class that obeys certain rules. These include:

  • a public no-argument constructor
  • implementing Serializable
  • public getter and setter pairs that provide access to each property on the object

The meta-model for beans is defined by the java.beans package in the JDK. The package provides a way to introspect an object to determine what properties the bean has.

The meta-model for a bean is BeanDescriptor. Each property is exposed using PropertyDescriptor. Additional information is also available on events, parameters and methods.

The bean meta-model is similar to reflection but sits at a higher level of abstraction. Instead of the low-level fields and methods with their scopes (private, protected, public), the bean meta-model exposes only public features. For example, getter and setters are not treated as just methods but are combined into the higher level property concept.

Why do we need a new meta-model?

The JavaBeans specification was written in 1997 and is hopelessly out of date, despite parts of it being widely used. However, being out of date is not the main driver of the project. Instead the main driver is modularity in JDK 9.

In JDK 9 the java.beans package will be located within the “desktop” stack module. As such, if your application depends on java.beans, you will pull in all the “desktop” GUI code. For a server-side application, this is a huge unnecessary dependency. By providing a new meta-model to replace java.beans, it can be designed to sit within a JDK module outside the “desktop”.

In addition, since this is a new meta-model, the restrictions of JavaBeans can be re-evaluated. Effectively, this is an opportunity to create version 2.0 of the JavaBeans specification.

Most notably, the new meta-model needs to support the wide range of objects we write today:

  • handle both mutable and immutable objects
  • handle potential future language changes, such as value types
  • handle dynamic beans, where the properties are held in a Map rather than bytecode fields
  • be independent of reflection
  • provide access to annotations

Note that the current JavaBeans meta-model is typically only used by framework writers. However, it is intended to make the new meta-model more developer friendly, so it can be used more widely.

Source code

The project exists to develop the source code for a future JSR.

These links provide information to support the project.

See something missing? Send a pull request!


Join the Google Group to help out. Or contribute via GitHub.

Please note that contributions are intended for inclusion in a future JSR.

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Version: 0.1-SNAPSHOT. Last Published: 2015-01-03.

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